
Savage Attack Leaves 23-Year Student Battling For Her Life!


A 23-Year old first year student of the Copperbelt University was left battling for her life after being attacked by criminals

Janety Mukuka was reported missing on Monday with reports suggesting she had been seen leaving the Kitwe campus around 19:00 hours of that evening but did not arrive at her boarding house.

Efforts from family and friends of find Janety were fruitless as she was unreachable by phone.

However, a man driving past the CBU campus on Jambo drive around 22:30 hours noticed two men attacking a female.

The man rushed to the police who quickly accompanied him back to the crime scene.

On noticing police presence, one criminal took off and disappeared in the dark while the other was apprehended.

Close examination of the victim revealed her identity as Janety, the missing student and was unconscious.

She was taken to Kitwe Central Hospital where she remains admitted battling for her life.

Copperbelt Police Commanding Officer, Peacewell Mweemba confirmed that good samaritan, who was driving along Nile Avenue Riverside in Kitwe saw two men attacking a lady and saw pushing her in a drainage.

The witness, Emmanuel Phiri aged 37 immediately changed his route going home, and decided to rush to Riverside Police Post under Riverside Police Station and reported the matter of rape.

The officers who were on duty, with the help of the reporter rushed to the scene of crime and luckily, they found the two men still struggling with the same woman in the drainage.

Upon noticing the police, the two suspects started running away but were persuaded by Police and managed to apprehend one of them, Zimba Mwanza aged 25 of Riverside.

Mweemba said the Victim was later retrieved from the drainage and was found with her cloths ripped.

The survivor was also unable to talk, as physical inspection revealed that she had bruises on her body, indicating suggesting she may have been sexually assaulted.

“She was rushed to Kitwe Teaching Hospital where she is admitted in Observation room,” Mweemba said.

He added that a medical report was issued and docket on the matter was opened, while the arrested suspect remains detained in police custody helping police with investigation to arrest his counterpart.

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