
Recent Importation Ban By Congo DR Worries Zambian Breweries!!


Zambian Breweries says the recent announcement by the Democratic Republic of Congo -DRC-to ban the importation of beer and soft drinks from Zambia for the next 12 months will have an impact on local distributors.

Zambia Breweries’ Director of Corporate Affairs, Towanda Hojane states that although the company does not export directly but mainly sells to local distributors, it is aware of the potential impact this ban could have on their local distributors.

Mr. Hojane explains that as a member of the Zambia Chamber of Commerce, Trade and Industry and Zambia Association of Manufacturers, Zambian Breweries has engaged the associations to gain clarity on what necessitated the DRC to make such a move.

He says this is in a bid for the associations to engage with the authorities in the DRC, to understand the reasons behind the suspension of beer and soft drink imports and possibly find a way forward.

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