
Police Intercept Truck Carrying Assorted Government Medicines!!


Police in Chililabombwe on the Copperbelt have intercepted a truck carrying assorted government medicines and arrested five individuals, among them Congolese nationals.

Copperbelt Commissioner of Police Peacewell Mweemba says the incident occurred on Monday this week at Konkola Police checkpoint where a Hino mini-truck was found carrying 9 boxes of small malaria test kits,19 boxes of coartem,10 by 480 milligrams of medoprim bottles and 10 boxes containing 177 by 250 milligrams of erythromycin stearate bottles among others

Mr. Mweemba says upon being interviewed by police, the driver of the Hino-truck failed to properly account for the medicines but lead officers to a female business women identified as Hellen Kapesa of Banda area in Kasumbalesa who also led them to three other Congolese nationals.

He says the truck was impounded while the occupants are detained.

Mr. Mweemba says the matter has since been reported to the Zambia Medicines and Regulatory Authority-ZAMRA-.

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