
DEC Issues First Statement On The 61 Containers Of Medicines Scandal!!

Issued by:
Nason Banda, DEC Director- General

We wish to update the nation on the ongoing investigations at the Zambia Medicines and Medical Supplies Agency (ZAMMSA) in connection with the case involving sixty-one (61) containers of essential medicines that were found in a private warehouse in Lusaka.

The brief background is that these containers of medicines and medical supplies were procured after the Government of the Republic of Zambia and the Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt entered into an agreement valued at US$24 million.

You may wish to know that a Joint Investigation Team, from the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) and the Zambia Police Service (ZPS) initiated investigations to establish why these containers were kept at a private depot for such a long time and thereby denying the citizenry of the access to proper medicines and medical supplies.

So far, statements have been recorded from several key individuals from the Ministry of Health and ZAMMSA. In addition, statements have also been recorded from the depot Management in whose custody the containers were found, as well as the Clearing Agent and the Shipping Company.

Preliminary investigations, have shown that the Ministry of Health was allegedly not aware that the consignments containing these essential medicines from the Arab Republic of Egypt had not been delivered to ZAMMSA and that they were being kept at a private depot in Lusaka. It was also found that ZAMMSA did not inform the Ministry of Health regarding any challenges faced in the shipment of the consignment.

We have established that ZAMMSA was aware of the consignments and was given alerts regarding the departure of the containers from the Arab Republic of Egypt and their consequent arrival at the port of Beira in Mozambique and Chirundu Border in Zambia.

We therefore wish to establish why there was negligence on the part of ZAMMSA management, who appeared unprepared to receive the goods at their warehouse despite knowing beforehand the shipment schedules. Additionally, there was a lack of supervision by ZAMMSA as well as the Ministry of Health, as none of them made follow-ups on the consignment over the last seven (7) months.

In this regard, a full-scale forensic investigation is underway at ZAMMSA. This investigation will involve a multi-agency team to unearth any illegalities that may have occurred, ensuring comprehensive accountability and rectification.

This statement aims to provide clarity, reassurance, and transparency regarding the steps being taken to address the concerns raised. We believe that its in the interest of all well-meaning Zambians to see that integrity and functionality at ZAMMSA is restored. The ongoing investigations will continue to be conducted with utmost transparency and in accordance with the law. We urge the public to support these efforts as we work towards a more accountable and efficient healthcare system.

We would also like to implore stakeholders and other entities involved to desist from issuing statements or engaging the media over this particular matter as doing so will jeopardize our investigations. We thank you all.

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