
Concourt Throws Out Petition Of Miles Sampa Being PF President!!


Concourt Throws Out Petition Of Miles Sampa Being PF President!

The Constitution Court has thrown out a petition where nine Patriotic Front-PF Faction members were challenging the leadership of PF President MILES SAMPA and Party Secretary General MORGAN NG’ONA.
The court has ruled that the petition is improperly before the Constitutional Court.
The Constitutional Court says the petition has not raised any constitutional matters for determination pursuant to article 128 of the Constitution.
The Court has further ruled that the petitioners have not justified how article 60 sub-article two of the Constitution was breached following the election of PF President MILES SAMPA.
The Constitutional Court has further ruled the petitioners have not demonstrated how Mr. SAMPA violated the Constitution by exercising his authority to appoint MORGAN NG’ONA as PF Secretary General.
The court has ruled that the thrust of the petition is on private rights of the petitioners, whose contentions can only be determined by the High Court.
The judgment was delivered by six Constitutional Court judges.

Gee - Q

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