
Governance Expert Backs Proposal To Extend Presidential Term From 5 To 7 Years

Governance and Elections expert Stanley Mhango has backed proposed constitutional amendments to increase the tenure of office for President from 5 to 7 years as the current 5-year cycle has numerous limitations.

Mr. Mhango believes that the current 5-year cycle is not enough to implement long-term policies and projects, with frequent election cycles impending effective governance while giving limited opportunities for leadership development and growth.

He has since advised government to build national consensus as opposed to focusing on the content alone, engage in a transparent and inclusive roadmap to avoid past mistakes and ensure that any proposed changes are scrutinized objectively, without tying the process to a specific election cycle.

However, Mr. Mhango is of the view that while adjusting the presidential tenure from 5 to 7 years may be acceptable, removing term limits would lead to abuse of power, authoritarianism, lack of accountability, reduced democracy, and an increased risk of corruption.

He adds that removing the term limits of the presidency also has the potential to create a succession crisis, undermine institutions of democracy, and cause stagnation and complacency in leadership, among other negative factors.

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