
CDF Benefits Youth Agricultural Farmer!!

CDF Benefits Youth Agricultural Farmer!!

Denton Chikweleka’s success as a young farmer in Mwalumino Ward of Chongwe Constituency is a shining example of how the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) can transform lives.

As the owner of Matongo Farms, Denton has benefited from CDF and is making a significant impact in the agriculture sector, even with the current challenging drought conditions.

Denton Chikweleka, narrates that he benefited K100,000 CDF loan from the 2023 allocation so that he could venture into gardening through growing of tomatoes and winter maize which has changed his livelihood completely.

Denton, disclosed that he bought solar panels and a water pump which he uses for irrigation unlike previously when he used to spend K700 to buy fuel for the generator to water the crops.

He indicated that since accessing the loan, he first planted 1000 tomato seedlings with the second batch of 1000 plants. He also planted 17 kilograms maize seed which he plans to sell as fresh maize.

Denton has since created employment for three gardeners at his farm and his future plan is to create another field to increase tomato production to 5000 plants. He is greatful to the New Dawn government for CDF loans.

CDF Benefits Youth Agricultural Farmer!!
CDF Benefits Youth Agricultural Farmer!!
CDF Benefits Youth Agricultural Farmer!!
CDF Benefits Youth Agricultural Farmer!!

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